Monday, October 10, 2016

Mashable retracts recommendation of the Samsung Galaxy Note7

Due to ongoing concerns about safety, Mashable is retracting its recommendation of the Samsung Galaxy Note7 and revoking its Mashable Choice award.

We do not take this action lightly, but what's happened to the Samsung Galaxy Note7 in the last six weeks is unprecedented in mobile. After Samsung released the high-end phone to generally great reviews, including Mashable's, multiple reports began to surface that the phones were spontaneously catching fire due to exploding batteries.

It quickly became clear there was some kind of defect in how the phone's battery was made, which caused a significant (although statistically small) number of Note7 devices to malfunction. Lithium-ion batteries — the type of battery in the vast majority of today's portable consumer electronics — can become dangerously volatile if they're damaged or defective.

Samsung appeared to identify the flaw in its manufacturing process and correct it. It then began shipping "safe" Galaxy Note7 phones to customers.

That's when events went from unfortunate to unthinkable. It now appears multiple replacement Galaxy Note7's have caught fire. The developments have led to wireless carriers in the U.S. and other countries to halt sales of the device. Even Samsung is reportedly halting production of the Note7, which the company did not deny in a statement.

Those same developments have led Mashable to do something it's never done before: In light of the continued safety concerns that Samsung has yet to fully explain, Mashable can no longer recommend the Samsung Galaxy Note7, and we are rescinding the product's Mashable Choice status. Further, we echo the words of our senior editor, Stan Schroeder: Don't buy this phone.

Read Pete Pachal’s complete article at

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