Tuesday, June 14, 2016

With iOS10, Apple may have solved a huge privacy riddle

With iOS 10, your phone will suggest which phrase or address you might want to use next in a message. Your Maps app will show you restaurants nearby you'd probably want to visit, and the Photos app will recognizes faces and scenes.

Sounds nice — until you stop to think about how your phone (or, soon, your Mac) knows all this, and how it's compatible with your privacy.

To be able to make these sorts of predictions, Apple must have a lot of information about you and your habits, and it must store that data somewhere. Logic implies that, if you want your data to be absolutely safe from prying eyes, you can forget about your phone finishing your sentence. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

But maybe you can.

Read Stan Schroeder's article at mashable.com/2016/06/14/apple-differential-privacy/?utm_cid=hp-hh-pri#xBN4IFvbkZqW.

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